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New Car Excitement

Handling the New Car Thrill : Cool Car Syndrome

by Jerry Christopher

So you’ve found the perfect car, a sleek, sporty, real eye catcher. Imagine just how envious your friends will be when they see you behind the wheel of this beauty. And best of all you got it at a great price, or at least you think so.

So what’s the problem? You may be infected with Cool Car Syndrome. Or in other words, letting your emotions, excitement and jubilation cloud your judgment of a good solid used car purchase, which can have devastating and costly consequences. We fall in love with the cars and not much can separate us from our decisions even if they’re bad ones. In fact, sometimes we avoid doing necessary inspections on a car we love because we’re afraid our findings will dissuade us from making the purchase!

Cool car syndrome can lead to poor car choices. The look or status a car can give you is no indication of how the car will perform or if it’s is in good mechanical condition. This means you can’t possibly make a good purchase based on the look of a car. This is especially true of used car purchases, where one can be hoodwinked by a cool paint job — maybe that car has been in a bad accident, abused, or a flood damaged vehicle.

“Keeping up with the Joneses” Is another factor that can contribute to cool car syndrome. In advertisements on radio, newspaper, and television, as well as magazines and auto advertisers, marketing specialists make you feel like you will never be up to par unless you have a car like your next door neighbor. And guess what! That’s exactly the kind of car they are selling. What a coincidence. Remember when everyone had to have a Cadillac to have“made it?” Yep — cool car syndrome.

The cool car syndrome can also make you more vulnerable to scams and over pricing. There are many different kinds of head games a used car dealer can play to get you to buy that sleek looking car or truck, they focus on your emotions and excitement like a rapidly spreading virus attacking your immune system. They sense how much you want this car and will say or do most anything to strengthen your excitement.

So what’s the remedy for cool car syndrome?

  • Take your time after deciding that’s the car you want and it’s right for your purpose. Wait a day or two and make sure you haven’t neglected to check your finance options and insurance premium cost.

  • Don’t show your enthusiasm to the sales people, this just fuels the fire and gives them a distinct advantage.

  • Remember to follow the proper steps and procedures such as a researching the history, checking for proper maintenance, inspecting for flood signs, inspecting for signs of collision and or paint repairs and above all, know how to perform a “proper test drive” which can give you tell tale signs of potential or existing problems.

It’s perfectly ok to find a car that’s cool, or makes you feel cool as long as it’s not the over riding factor in your decision. Letting your emotions cause you to neglect the proper steps, procedures and precautions just to look cool isn’t worth the risk. Think of how cool you’re going to look when you’re bumming rides from everyone else instead of picking them up in a car that works. Want to look cool? Get a car that will be running when everyone else’s is in the shop.

Jerry Christopher, a veteran of the automotive industry, created as a forum in which to share his extensive automotive knowledge and expertise. His web site has proven itself to be a valuable aid to the general public, helping consumers to acquire winning strategies for buying a quality pre-owned vehicle.