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In America, pickup trucks are big business. More than 3 million of them are sold every year, to a variety of people from hard working haulers to rowdy ruralites, from city hipsters to frisky suburbanites. And for many of them, compact trucks deliver more trucking pleasure than even the full-sizers can. Why? Well, because of their lower price tags, more efficient engines and less prohibitive dimensions, compact trucks make trucks easier to integrate into one's life.

For example, have you ever tried parallel parking a Dodge Ram in Venice, Calif.? I have. And I was hating every inch of the admittedly superb truck the entire time I searched for that suitable place to dock. Besides, how many of us could ever fill up the entire bed of a full-size truck on any day other than moving day? Certainly, the everyday prudence of a compact pickup is hard to argue with for the average Joe (or Joanne).

And finally, with the dawn of the age of four-door compact trucks, not only are they becoming viable substitutes for bigger, thirstier trucks, but are starting to become suitable replacements for family sedans and SUVs as well.
See? Less really can be more.

A fork in the road....either navigate through our truck buyer's guide by clicking on the arrow or by selecting one of the models listed below!

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