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2007 Luxury Buyer's Guide

Luxury Car Guide for 2007: Excellence on Wheels

by Martha Hindes

Speaking of excellence, it can be seen in the most gratifying places. A hilltop mansion with spacious, vaulted rooms and views of a far off mountain ridge. A lofty, seaside swimming pool that mirrors the azure blue of the sky. An airport tarmac with an executive jet ready to spirit one off to a cross country meeting. The luxury auto waiting there when the return trip is over.

When a choice is made for a luxury auto, there's a sense of refinement, of class, of intrinsic quality matched by few other things. We can relish in its subtle beauty, enjoy the satisfying sensation of the tactile touch, absorb the air of refinement. These are the vehicles so beautifully crafted they go beyond good-looking and enter the realm of artistic. A jewel-mounted bezel clock, chrome ribboned against a fine burled wood, panels so flush that seams are nearly invisible, designs as sensuous and lush as classic sculpture are among their flawless attributes.

These autos carry us past the point of longing and reach the realization of attainment. They seem limitless in their ability to deliver, whether it's unlimited speed under the accelerator, breathtakingly precise control or the awe they inspire in their wake. With power and authority they part traffic on the road ahead with their dominance, pamper us with luscious indulgence and offer no apologies for their obvious superiority.

With appreciation and affirmation we offer a taste of some very special vehicles in ROAD & TRAVEL's Luxury Car Buyer's Guide to be eyed, enjoyed, and perhaps even envied.